About Cheshire Academy

Cheshire Academy is a New England college-preparatory boarding school located in Cheshire, Connecticut. The Academy serves students in grades 7 through 12, including a postgraduate year.

Founded in 1794 as the Episcopal Academy of Connecticut, it was the tenth private academy founded in the United States. A pioneer school for its inclusion of international students dating back to the 1850’s, Cheshire Academy’s continually growing international student body and accredited International Baccalaureate Programme further support the school’s educational philosophy to “prepare thoughtful, active graduates who embrace both their membership and potential in the global community.”

A hallmark program at the Academy is our Roxbury Academic Support Program. A student-centered school, those students in need of additional support have access to trained academic coaches. Our experienced faculty work one-on-one with students, meeting them where they are and taking them beyond where they imagined possible.

Current students at Cheshire Academy come from approximately 30 different countries and 14 states, with a total student body of 360 students enrolled in grades 8-12 including a post-graduate year.

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